5-1. Benin artists made this type of object for their European trading partners a. bronze plaques b. staffs c. saltcellars d. chess sets e. all of the above 5-2. Chinese artists were heavily influenced by the philosophy of a. Emperor Huizong b. Fan Kuan c. Tai Zu d. Wen Tong e. none of the above 5-3. This element had an important symbolic dimension for Chinese artists. a. bamboo b. pine trees c. willows d. a and b e. all of the above 5-4. In what situations did people in China write on artworks? a. to add personal inscriptions b. to show the quality of their calligraphy c. to document the painting’s ownership d. a and b e. all of the above 5-5. ________ rejected the academic style of professional artists a. literati artists b. Chan Buddhist artists c. Confucian-influenced artists d. a and b e. all of the above 5-6. At the beginning of the Renaissance, artists’ careers were constrained by a. the guild system b. the dictates of humanism c. contempt for classical culture d. iconoclastic attitudes e. all of the above 5-7. In Florence, the ________ family was responsible for much of the artistic patronage a. Strozzi b. Poggi c. Chigi d. Botticelli e. none of the above 5-8. One of the most important books on painting in the Renaissance was written by ________. a. Strozzi b. Poggi c. Chigi d. Botticelli e. none of the above 5-9. Who won the competition to build the baptistery doors in Florence? a. Donatello b. Brunelleschi c. Alberti d. Mantegna e. none of the above 5-10. Renaissance architects relied on a classical text by ________. a. Vitruvius b. Aristotle c. Plato d. Octavian e. none of the above 5-11. In the early 16th century, Michelangelo and Raphael were called to work in Rome by ________. a. Leo X b. Sixtus c. Lorenzo the Magnificent d. Paul III e. none of the above 5-12. In New Ireland, sculptors acquire their traditional imagery in the following manner. a. They invent it based on their dreams b. It is passed down to them by their mothers c. they ‘rent’ it from certain families d. b and c e. none of the above 5-13. The Mughal court synthesized the traditions of a. Muslims and Hindus b. Muslims and Christians c. Christians and Hindus d. Hindus and Buddhists e. none of the above 5-14. At the Mughal academy, artists were paid according to a. the number of colors they used in a painting b. the quality of their calligraphy c. a military pay scale d. their ancestral line e. none of the above 5-15. At Versailles, the gardens provide a feeling of a. order and control b. a reverence for wild beauty c. many cultures coming together as one d. unfettered freedom e. all of the above